Historická budova Mýto, tzv. panský dom, sa nachádza v centre mesta. V minulosti tu býval richtár a konali sa tu zasadnutia mestského súdu. Volali ho aj „veľká krčma“. V roku 1904 po vyhorení mesta bola budova značne poškodená. Urbárska obec ju v roku 1906 obnovila a odvtedy tu sídlili úradníci, divadelníci, čitáreň Matice slovenskej, účinkoval tu spevácky zbor a schádzala sa tu miestna inteligencia.
The historic Mýto building, the so-called manor house, is located in the city centre. In the past, there used to be a mayor and the sessions of the town court were held here. The house was also called the „big pub“. In 1904, after the city burned down, the building was severely damaged. The urban village restored it in 1906, and since then officials, theatregoers, the reading room of Matica Slovenska has been based here, choir has performed, and the local intelligence has gathered here.