Different shades of the world

After a long covid break the Erasmus+ project came back to life, and we have risen with it. We packed our small backpacks and stared our travel to the north of Slovakia, specifically the marvelous village of Oščadnica.

The first morning was a bit rough, we met a lot of new people who overcame much longer distance than us, but still were full of energy which created an impressive beginning of the project. Slovak team was not that different. However, we did not know each other very well, yet we have managed to become a really good friends in a few days due to energy, that was created with all the enthusiasm and effort brought from very different parts of Europe. It was an unbelievable experience. And no, I am not writing this article by a command I mean it by heart. We had the best topics to discuss we could possibly hope for. Workshops were created in an informal way, therefore we were really excited about every last of them. Our leader Lukaš, he is little bit bald, because the job, which includes kids and young people is pretty exhausting, despite all of this, he created respectful and friendly environment for all of us.

The opportunities which we were given by an Erasmus+ project and SYTEV organization are the best experiences, and sometimes the most hilarious ones, because of the troubles that we had to deal with. We are thankful to everyone who attended and helped with the preparations. Special thanks goes to the European union, without the support of EU it would not be possible.

The Slovak Team <3