About the History of Beekeeping in Slovakia…
The first mention of beekeeping in our territory dates from 448 and was recorded by the philosopher Priscus. The oldest written mention of beekeeping monument dates from the period of Hungary.
from 1075 and it is the founding document of beekeepers in Hronský Beňadik. Slovakia had suitable conditions for beekeeping due to the meadows and forests that surround us. in the past beekeeping was a good source of income. Taxes were paid by honey and wax. Until the discovery of America, the only sweetener was honey, and candles were made only from beeswax. Therefore, in 1775 and 1776, Mária Terézia issued patents for the development and support of beekeeping.
Beekeeping in Kysuce…
The first beekeeping organization in Kysuce was founded in 1948. It was composed of 52 members with 427 hives. In addition to beekeeping, they also organized lectures and courses in the field of mother breeding, sewing courses, honey baking, youth rings, which, however, disappeared over time. The average age of the beekeeper in Kysucie is 60 years.
In our district there is also a Community apiary in povina, which involves volunteers and youth. The apiary is constantly expanding and regularly organizes a beekeeping Sunday, multiple times thoughtout the year where you can see working with bees, bottling honey and many other activities.
Source: Brochure 60 years of organized beekeeping in South Kysuce
On the link bellow you can find virtual show of educational path:
The project „Education Paths for All“ was supported by the European Solidarity Corps.