Training Course „Practice makes Entrepreneurs“
Project Date: 05-12.02.2019
Project Venue: Bremen, Germany
Project Organizer: JuBub
Project Partners from 12 countries: GEYC (Romania), Danish Youth Team (Denmark), Young Effect (Italy), CIP (Cyprus), BYF (Bulgaria), NÜH(Estonia), D’ANTILLES ET D’AILLEURS (Martinique, France), USB (Greece), World-Our Home (Latvia), SYTEV (Slovakia), KAEB-NAI (Basque Country, Spain),
Project Description:
The new era which is profoundly marked by the economic crisis and more specifically by the radical degradation of the economic sector in the majority of the European countries, the enhancement of the components that make up both the theoretical and practical aspects of entrepreneurship might constitute one of the main keys for the consolidation of the situation. Accordingly, the reinforcement of the practical education on entrepreneurship by the NGOs and CSOs will definitely entail a flourishing of the entrepreneurial dynamism in our communities, whilst the practical application of concrete educational methods related to entrepreneurship by youth workers, will enable young people to come in touch with an array of soft skills, thus ensuring their coveted entry into the business arena.
Taking into consideration the current situation in the majority of European countries, the international training course ‘Practice Makes Entrepreneurs’ is seeking to equip youth workers and leaders who work directly with young unemployed people with essential business and entrepreneurial knowledge and skills, in order to make them capable to indicate ‘alternative paths’ correlated with the labor market, thus contributing to the limitation of the unemployment among youth. Specifically, by saying ‘alternative paths’, it’s being implied the promotion of self-employment and a general cultivation of an entrepreneurial culture. The above target will be accomplished through a combination of practical knowledge provision on entrepreneurship, and a parallel cultivation of a positive way of thinking within the side-paths of self-awareness and self-motivation.
Specifically, participants experienced various practical exercises -mostly based on non-formal education methods- which will qualify them with entrepreneurial knowledge that can be utilized to equip young people with essential skills, in order to be ready to take entrepreneurial decisions concerning complex socioeconomic conditions. Consequently, the subsequent application of those practical methods-exercises within different local contexts, also aims at the dissemination of alternative entrepreneurial methods, thus contributing to the eradication of various obstacles, such as discrimination and inequality in opportunities; problems which are frequently being encountered by young people, especially in the deprived and rural areas of the E.U.
Particular objectives:
- To provide practical tools using non-formal education that inspire young people to take entrepreneurial action.
- To create a space to reflect on educational non-formal tools related to entrepreneurship and pave the way for their transferability and further development.
- To develop entrepreneurial competences that make use of the non-formal education in youth work in order to stimulate self-employment and entrepreneurial culture among unemployed youth.
- To develop a sustainable network among youth organizations which are being associated with entrepreneurship within EU and create stronger partnerships for future projects in the European context.