On 24-28th of July, the Copenhagen Youth Network participated in the training course “Souls without frontiers”, organized by German NGO “Jubuk”. The project was financed by the Erasmus+ Youth Program. Our representative was Inga, 29 – a specialist of the international relations and the former lecturer of the course “International Migration”.

The training was for the youth workers and members of the youth organizations, interested in the issue of refugees’ integration and social inclusion. 30 young people coming from Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Germany, Hungary, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia and Turkey gathered in Velbert, Germany discussed different problematic topics connected with migration flows in Europe. Using non-formal educational tools, like role-play, group building, simulation exercises, discussions and presentations, young educators/trainers were sharing their experience and knowledge in the field. During the training course participants had visited a centre for migrants in Velbert, where they had the opportunity to see the daily life of refugees living there and to listen to their stories. On the last day of the course, the youth workers developed several project ideas and created a bias for the collaboration.

We would like to convey our gratitude to our partner organization “Jubuk” for the high-quality training course, oriented on the meaningful resul