Study visit in Diyarbakir, Turkey
At the end of August, I participated in an Erasmus+ study visit in Turkey.
The topic of this project was „See the reality migration“ and we learned about issues related to this topic in the form of various non-formal education activities, e.g. study visits, discussions, presentations etc. I think we learned a lot from each other by sharing our views, opinions and openly discussing problems presented to us. Thanks to this, now when the project is over, I have much more insight into problems of migration in Europe and especially in Turkey. By meeting with the local non-governmental organizations I have also learned more information about women’s and children’s rights in Turkey and the rights of refugees in general. It helped me to understand the nature of the environment these refugee people are coming from.

However, Erasmus + projects are not only about studying a given topic. They are also about the exchange of cultures and making new friends from different countries. For example, the participants of this project were from 10 European countries: Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria, the United Kingdom, Portugal, Croatia and of course Turkey.

We had cultural evenings during which we had an opportunity to present the country we come from, and I have to say, each and every evening was a blast! Apart from interesting facts, tongue twisters, traditional music and dances, each country brought something to taste. Delicious food and drinks that left their unique flavour in our mouths and not so pleasant feeling in our heads the next morning.

Ak to čítaš a váhaš, či sa prihlásiť na nejakú podobnú výmenu, tak v podstate nie je nad čím rozmýšľať. Je to skúsenosť na nezaplatenie(doslova, pretože za cestu platí EU) a aj skvelý spôsob, ako cestovať a spoznávať iné kultúry a tiež sa popri tom niečo naučiť.