The Kysuce Protected Landscape Area is characterized by a cold climate. the influence of the oceanic climate causes some rare plants to occur here, such as the common umbilical cord, the occurrence of which was found only in the foothills and sours.
In permanently or temporarily flooded places we can also find a Naumburgia thyrsiflora, unique in Slovakia. The bluebell (lat. Campanula serrata) is a plant of European importance, the Carpathian endemic which is abundant in CHko. It is also worth mentioning the sedge, which occurs only in the Protected Landscape Area and belongs to the relics – the remnant of flora common after the Ice Age. rare species.
Linden near kysucky new town: protected since 1973, it is one of the largest and oldest specimens in kysuce. the circumference of the trunk is 544 cm, it is 23 meters high, the diameter of the crown is 22 meters and the age is estimated at 300 years.
Author: Zuzana Václavová
Source: http://chkokysuce.sopsr.sk/priroda/flora/
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