Perhaps everyone who knows this object hidden in our forest has never doubted or at least he thought it was a World war II bunker. The well-known Kysuce researcher Mário Janík provided us with the following explanation in his comments: It is by no means a bunker from World War II, nor is it a military bunker in the true sense of the word. It is an observatory from the 50s of the 20th century. It is mentioned in the monument, which commemorates its construction and is born in 1947. Until 1960, Kysucké nové Mesto was the seat of the district and the CO. He had this observatory at his disposal, which is oriented so that the Kysuce stream can be seen from it. This is so that the observer can see the low-flying aircraft. They used river valleys for low flights to avoid radar. Written records are only one source of information. Another source is the testimonies of monuments, which are obtained by researchers, the so-called „oral history“. One of them mentioned in his commentary and was confirmed by another witness, born in 1945.
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The project „Education Paths for All“ was supported by the European Solidarity Corps.