During the Easter I participated in an incredible Erasmus+ project called „Youth Engagement and Wellbeing Through Nature Connection“ in Mas Franch, near Barcelona, Spain. When I saw the opportunity to take part in it, I was absolutely sure I have to do everything possible to participate. When I saw the question WHY SHOULD WE CHOOSE YOU? I knew I am that right person to be there…do you know that intuitive feeling you should do something or go somewhere and you can’t find the right words for it’s explanation? That’s it…so they chose me. So I went there. So it was one of the most important times in my life. Because something has changed… something in me has changed.. The topic of ecology interests me for a long time… a small woman stucked between millions of people who destroy this planet…a small woman who would like to change this world to a better place but with no idea how to do that, how to even start… Maybe I expected from this project I would find out clear answers how to save this planet, what exactly to do, where I can start my environmental „fight“… no. This project gave me more than this. It gave me the answer of real connection with our Mother Nature. Because She says what to do but people forgot listening…Nature is everywhere around us and inside of us. We are a part of it. Times on this earth has change so much we forgot how important is to be outside and listen. Listen to birds, leaves of trees around, animals, wind, water, our own thoughts, our breathe, our mind and soul. We forgot how important is to touch other creatures in nature with love, to welcome them all as the part of our reality and accept us as the part of their reality. We forgot how important is our PERCEPTION…And this project reopened and woke up this part of myself. I can’t even explain by words how GRATEFUL I feel… we went through lot of useful information about the ecological issues and methodologies, lot of interesting, funny and educational activities, lot of deep and meaningful conversations, lot of emotional moments through interaction with others or alone only with ourselves…I met there so many incredible, interesting, kind and inspiring people I don’t even understand if I deserved it and why. But I am so extremely grateful.Whatever happens, it has it’s own reason. And the answer will come. ALWAYS.5 days = so short time compared to my whole life, but so long and amazing time of living this mental and spiritual recovery.
THANK YOU! Thank you for this amazing, meaningful and deep experience, SYTEV – Slovak Youth for Traveling, Education and Volunteering and #Boodaville. Thank you Sam, Carlos, Claudia and others. See you soon.
The path is the destination. The path is the aim.