Kristýna, Natália, Petronela, Beáta, Paulína and Diana represented SYTEV in a training course called ECHOED VOICES: STORIES OF YOUNG WOMEN – AUDIO JOURNEYS IN STORYTELLING which took place during July 21. – 27. 2024 in Rabka – Zdrój, Poland. The main objective of this event was to use storytelling and female narratives to promote resilience and leadership skills in self-reflection and self-love. During the course, participants were encouraged to reflect on their own personal story, use their imagination and creativity in writing the script, and finally record their story with a specific background noise which reinforced their message.

We enjoyed the energy and insight of all the female participants and tried to create a respectful place for sharing our stories. For each of us the training brought something new and exciting. We learned to be more self-aware of the moments which shaped our world-views and directed our life visions. The more we peeked into our stories the more we realized how important self-reflection in our lives is and how it purifies our souls. We practiced self-love through the workshop on Rupi Kaur´s poems from the collection The Sun and her Flowers through which we connected five stages of a flower – wilting, falling, rooting, rising and blooming – with our perception, thoughts and feelings. As a result, we recorded the stories as a testimony of our strength and female spirit we want to pour into this world.

We would like to thank the organizers – Steffi and Laura-Lynn from Abenteuerzentrum Berlin, all participants from organizations Youth4Europe, YOUnited z.s., SPORTSROOM, and SYTEV for the training. THANK YOU.